Coronavirus Protocol: Safety is Always #1

Patches with Velcro Available

We strive to maximize safety as Aviation Professionals, if we are talking typical aviation safety or the latest pandemic. As Biplane Instructors or Aerial Tour Pilots we will always error on the side of safety and have been listed as essential operations by the government. Below is our safety protocol in regards to the Coronavirus.

For everyones protection some basic rules are in place to continue economic prosperity at the airport and engage in a common sensical approach to lowering the risk of someone ‘unknowingly spreading a virus’ of any type. We will continue to keep most of this policy in place because it makes great sense.

  • Do not visit the airport if you have ANY symptoms of illness, or have had symptoms in the last 2-3 weeks.

  • Maintain social distancing of 6 feet or more from other persons.

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water which works better than most anti-bacterial soaps.

  • If you are having coughing or sneezing outbreaks from allergies or dust particles please excuse yourself from aviation activities until they subside.

  • Please wear an approved and clean mask if you need to work within 6 feet of another person. ie. helping someone strap into a parachute or put on seatbelts.

  • All headsets and microphones will be cleaned with alcohol and disinfecting wipes after every use.

  • All seats, controls, and interiors will be cleaned after every use.

Feel safe that the airport is a very safe place as long as we follow basic protocols of Coronavirus Safety. We have open air, sunlight and a fresh breeze that keeps your immune system buzzing and limiting virus spread.